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Showing posts from July, 2024

Wait - I am Cousins with Taylor Swift, Jimi Hendrix, AND George Washington?

 That's right!  I have been having so much fun with this, and you can too! Go to You can join for free, or you can just look.  Type in any ancestor's name and see who you are related to.  For best results, pick the furthest back ancestor you know. If you are a descendant of Phoebe Esther Rushton Spence (Grannie, Grannie English), or her mother Susan West, you have a ton of famous relatives:     Royalty!  Queen Elizabeth II - 20th cousins twice removed.  I always felt I was related to Princess Anne!   My bride dolls - Princess Anne  and Princess Diana And 21st cousins once removed from Princess Diana! As well as the last kings of France, Belgium, Romania, and Yugoslavia. US Presidents Ronald Reagan - 7th cousin      Franklin Roosevelt - 6th cousin 3x removed     Ulysses S Grant - 6th cousin 6x removed     Thomas Jefferson - 18th cousin  4x removed       20th cousins with George Washington, 25th with Prime Ministers Pierre and Justin Trudeau, and 27