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Scholfield Family - Hannah Ward & Nathaniel Scholfield Descendant Chart

 Scholfield, Nathaniel 8 (son of Arter Scovel 7, grandson of Arthur Scoville 6, ggrandson of Stephen Scovell 5, gggrandson of Arthur Scovel 4) and his wife Hannah Ward 8 (dau of Elizabeth Flintoff 7)

Hannah & Nathan's 6 oldest children:  Ann, John, Aaron, Olive Lavinia, Elisha, and William Schofield


Hannah & Nathaniel's 7 youngest children: Pheby, Sarah, Rebecca, Mary, Hannah Susan, William, and Elijah

see Scholfield Pedigree Chart

see West Family - Pheby Scholfield & Levi West Descendant Chart

see Ward Family - Elizabeth Flintoff & William Ward Descendant Chart

see Scovel Family - Jemima Coldwell & Arter Scovel Descendant Chart
