Documents of the Zoeller Family - see Sulzbach pedigree chart

Zoeller Family Passenger List August 1845 - Le Havre, France to New York - ship Probus
Passenger # Name Age Sex Place of Origin Destination Occupation Notes
35 Barbara Magdalena Zeller 56 f Bayern U.S. died on the 5th of August
36 Theodor 19 m " " Farmer
37 Victoria 12 f " "
38 Leopold 16 m " "
39 Gertrude Kress 19 f " "
Baptism and Marriage records from the Roman Catholic parish records of parishes in New York City (Our Holy Redeemer & St. Nicholas). Marriage record for Gertrude and Theodore, their daughter Barbara Josephine, and Theodore's sister Victoria. Baptisms for Gertrude and Theodore's children Alexandra Theodora, Anna, Barbara Josephine, Catharina, Theodorus, and Leopoldus. I don't read Latin, but here is what I can make out:
matrimonium - matrimony
ex - from
et - and
cum - with
Testes - witnesses
Patrini - patron, godparent
filius - son
filia - daughter
nata/natus - born
The words in the side margin apparently mean ditto, same as above, which refers to the date.
Lux. Hagel
Post unama proclam in matrimonium componsi.
Theodorum Zoeller ex Mechenhard Bav cum Gertrude
Gress ex eedemLaco Testes: Juere Freingsem
Mueller et Adam Breung.
Rev. Freheimhens
Baptism of Alexandra Theodora filia ex Theodori Zoller, ex Bavaria, Ger
trud Gress nata 20th Aprilis: Patrini Jasophanis Gress et Veronica Messemer
Baptism of Anna filia: Theodori Zoller, e Bavaria, et Gertrude Kress, nata:
13: Aprilis Patrinis Ferdinandus Trant, et Catharina Trant
Baptism of Barbara filia: Theodori Seller, ex Bavaria, et. Gertrudis Gress, n
1st Januarii: Patrini: Petris Mesemer, et Barbara Schabert.
Baptism of Catharina filia: Theodori Zoller, e Bavaria, et Gertrudis Kress,
nata: 16 Juli: Patrina: Catharina Fuller
Anno 1850
28 Aprilis Baptism of Theodorus filius Theodori Zoller, ex Bavaria, et Gertrudis Gress
nates 15 Juens, Patrini: Leopoldus Zoller, et Victoria Zoller.
die Baptism of Leopoldus filius: Theodori Zeller, e Bavaria, et Gertrudis Kress,
natus: 28 Januarii. Patriani Rudolphus Kress, et Otilia Kress.
2nd Januarii Praemissa una proclamatutione in matrimonium juncti Friedericus Becker ex Bernsheim
in Hessendarmstadt 23 an. filius leg: Philippi Becker et Elisabethae Seeger: et Victoria Zeller
ex Mechenhart in Bavaria ig an filia leg: Simonis Zeller et Magdalenae Ball.
Testes: Georgius Lachman, Mathaeus Horn.
Oscar Wenige to Josephine Zoeller,
Wit. Emile Ploettner & Bridget Creamer,
Geo. McClerkey
Josephine Zoeller is the same person as Barbara Seller who was baptized in the 3rd baptism record above.
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