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 History Date What our Family is Doing at the Time
 Jamestown Colony Founded 1607  
 The Mayflower
 Plymouth Colony Founded 1620 Richard Warren signs Mayflower Compact
 50 to 60 Families of French & Walloon Protestants  from The Netherlands Founded First Colonies in New York & New Jersey 1623 Catalyntje Trico, in first group of European women in New York, & husband Joris Jansen Rapalje sail on Unity to found Fort Orange, now Albany, New York
  1623 Elizabeth Walker Warren & 5 daughters arrive in Plymouth on ship Anne from HertfordshireEngland
 Dutch Moved Colony from Albany to Manhattan 1626 
 Massachusetts Bay Colony Founded
  1630 approximate time Francis West arrives in New England from Wiltshire, England
 Saybrook Colony 1635-1644 
 Connecticut Colony Founded 1636 
 New Haven Colony   1638 - 1665 
  1640 approximate time Rem Jansen Van der Beeck arrives from Netherlands to New Amsterdam 
  1642 Hannah Briggs born in Boston
  1645 Joanna & Isaac Willey among founders of New London, Connecticut Colony
  1646 Sarah & Thomas Look settle in Lynn, Massachusetts Bay
  1647 Sarah & Henry Champion marry in Saybrook, Connecticut Colony
  1650 approximate birth of Myriam Moore in Milford, Connecticut Colony
  1651 Catherine & Adriaen Hegeman Family arrive in New Amsterdam from Holland
  1652 Elizabeth Thomas born in Plymouth
  1660 approximate time Joanna & Arthur Scovil arrive in Boston from Dorset, England
  1663 approximate time Hannah & Wolston Brockway leave Boston for Connecticut Colony
  1671 Joanna & Arthur Scovil arrive in Middletown, Connecticut from Boston
  1680 approximate time Dr. Thomas West practices medicine in Martha's Vineyard
 Salem Witch Trials Occurred 1692-1693 
 Palatine Emigration to New York 1708-1710 
  1709 Konradt Koen, wife, & 3 sons leave der Pfalz for London
  1710 Konradt Koen & 3 sons arrive in New York from London.  2 sons apprenticed as orphans.
  1711 William Coaldwell kidnapped by British Navy in Norfolk, England
  1712 William Coaldwell deserts in Boston
Acadians Expelled from Nova Scotia during Seven Years' War between England & France

 New England Planters Arrived in Horton, Cornwallis, & Falmouth Townships, Nova Scotia 1761 Jane & William Coaldwell Family, Arter Scovel, Jean & William West Family, & Alice & Samuel Crossman Family arrive in Nova Scotia 
 Yorkshire Emigration to Nova Scotia 1772 - 1775 1774 Sarah & John Harrison Family, Elizabeth & William Ward Family, & James Brown arrive in Nova Scotia.  Harrisons purchase land still in the family today in Maccan, Cumberland County.
  1774 Franz Georg Richter joins military in German Saxony
 American Revolutionary War 1775 - 

  1776 - 1783 Franz Georg Richter leaves Dover, England, for New York in British 38th Regiment of Foot; fights in battles of Monmouth, Brandywine, Philadelphia, etc. John Mortimore fights in King's Carolina Rangers.
 British Major John Andre Captured by Isaac Van Wart & Others, Stopping Benedict Arnold's Treasonous Plot to Give West Point to British 1780 
  1780 approximate date of Benjamin Oxendine's death in Indian attack in southern colonies
  1781 Jeremiah Rushton joins militia New York Westchester Refugees.
 American Revolution Ended
Loyalists Arrived in Nova Scotia
 1783 George Rector's 57th regiment & Rushton, Acker, & Oxendine families leave New York for Nova Scotia. John Mortimore's Rangers leave Charleston South Carolina for St. Augustine Florida.
 Loyalists Received Land Grants in Nova Scotia and other Provinces 1784 Jane & William Robertson get land grant in Shelburne still in family today. George Rector, Mary & John Rushton Family, & Sarah & Jeremiah Rushton Family get land grants in Cumberland County. Esther & John B. Acker Family &  Isaac McSparling Family get land grants in Shelburne County.
  1786 Rachel & William Rowland Family get land grant in Shelburne County.
 Main Scottish Emigration to Nova Scotia 1800-1840 Spences probably arrive
 Main Irish Emigration to Nova Scotia 1815-1845 Pettigrews probably arrive
  1845 Gertrude and Theodore Zoeller Family immigrate from Bavaria to New York
 Gold Rush 1848-1855 James & Stephen Rushton pan for gold in California; find none
  1853 Christine Federlechner immigrates from Baden to New York
  1856 Valentine Wendel immigrates from Bavaria to New York
  1860 Euphemia Murray immigrates to Brooklyn from Prince Edward Island with family
 American Civil War 1861-1865 
  1861 Valentine Wendel, Edwin & William Van Wart,  Hegeman brothers, Stephen Rushton enlist in Union Army
  1863 Edwin & William Van Wart discharged from army
  1865 Valentine Wendel discharged from army
 Fenian Raids in Canada 1866, 1870-71 
 Canada became an Independent Nation 1867 Sir Charles Tupper is first premier
 Brooklyn Bridge Built 1869-1883 Valentine Wendel works on bridge
 Germany Unified as one Nation with Otto von Bismarck as Leader 1871 Jakob Sulzbach immigrates from Hesse to New York
  1872 Conrad Astfalk immigrates from Wurttenburg to New York
  1873 Minnie Miller immigrates from Germany to New York
  1878 Sarah & Robert Rushton leave Nova Scotia to join Rushton family in Iowa
  1879 Jacob Sulzbach immigrates from Hesse to New York
  1880 approximate date Isaac J. McSparling Acker captains Coast Guard ship in Shelburne, Nova Scotia
  1883 Emilie and Wilhelm Tetsch Family immigrate from Berlin to New York
  1895-1921 Hattie, Sam, Cass, Rilla, Grace, Joe, Blanche, Havelock Robertson travel between Nova Scotia & Boston; Hattie & Sam return
 Springhill, Nova Scotia Mine Explosion & Fire 1891 Stephen Rushton dies in explosion
  1907, 1910 Bessie Spence arrives in US from Nova Scotia

  1907- 1930 Bessie, Eva, Helena, Connie, & Anna Spence & husbands Wilfred Rushton & Bill Webb leave Nova Scotia for Maine, Boston, Long Island.  Wilfred, Anna, & Bill return.
 White Slave Traffic Act Passed 1910 Bessie Spence writes letters home in code
 World War I 1914-1918 
  1915 Joe Robertson remains in Boston
 Halifax Explosion 1917 
 US Entered World War I 1917 Frederick Sulzbach fights in France; Joe Sulzbach, Ainsley Spence, Valentine Wendel also fight
 Spanish Flu Pandemic 1918-1919 Alvin Spence, Helen Sulzbach die in pandemic
 Great Depression 1929-1939 
 World War II 1939-1945 Howard & Jackie Spence, brothers Bill, Alden, & Ellis Robertson, Frank Robertson, Bob Brendel, Thorne brothers, Denzil Rushton & brothers-in-law fight
 US Entered World War II 1941 
  1943 Frank Robertson killed in wartime plane crash 
 Korean War  1950-1953 Donald Spence killed in war
 Vietnam War 1959-1973 
 12 Men Walked on Moon during Apollo Program 1969-1972 
