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Scovel Family - Jemima Coldwell & Arter Scovel Descendant Chart

Scovel, Arter 7 (son of Arthur 6, grandson of Stephen 5, ggrandson of Arthur 4) and his wife Jemima Coldwell 7 (dau of Jane Jordan 6, granddau of Jane 5)

                                                                            seventh generation

Scoville is also spelled Scovil, Scovel, Scovill, Scovell, Scofield, Schofield, Scholfield.  In each case I have used the spelling that is most often associated with that person.

Jemima & Arter's 4 oldest children:  Nathan/Nathaniel, William, Levi, and Ezekiel Scoville

 Jemima & Arter's 3 youngest children: Abner, Jerusha, and Charlotte Schofield

see Scholfield Pedigree Chart

see Scovel/Scovil/Scoville Pedigree Chart

see Scholfield Family - Hannah Ward & Nathaniel Scholfield Descendant Chart

see West Family - Charlotte Schofield & Samuel West Descendant Chart
