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Spence - Pettigrew - Rector Families in Directories

1866 Hutchinson's Nova Scotia Directory, Parrsboro.  These Pettigrews and Rectors are our cousins and uncles.

1868 McAlpine's Nova Scotia Directory, Halfway River

Samuel Spence is our ancestor, William Mariner's grandfather, 5 years before he was born.  See Spence Pedigree Chart

Voter Rolls on Junction Road in Springhill, Nova Scotia in 1935 - looks like our family was civic-minded!

Lovell’s Province of Nova Scotia Directory for 1871 

Spring Hill:  A farming settlement in the district of Maccan, county of Cumberland.  Coal deposits have been discovered in the vicinity, but being too far from shipping have not been mined.  Distant from Amherst 22 miles, fare $3. Mail weekly.  Population about 120. (no familiar names)


West Chester:  A small village in the township of West Chester: county of Cumberland.  Distant from Sackville, a station of the Intercolonial railway, 6 miles, from Halifax, 93 miles, from Pictou 70 miles. Mail daily.  Population about 150.

Rushton, Enoch,carpenter

Rushton Ezra, blacksmith

Rushton Joseph, farmer

Rushton Nathaniel, lumberman

Rushton Samuel, chairmaker

Rushton Samuel, farmer

                                                                                                              (our cousins and uncles)


Wests in Pereaux


Spencers in Parrsborough, 1 Rector, 4 Merriams


Port Philip – A farming settlement in the district of River Philip, county of Cumberland.  Distant from Pugwash 3 miles, from Amherst, a station of the Intercolonial railway, 20 miles.  Mail tri-weekly.  Population about 60.  (No familiar names)


River Philip- A farming settlement in the district of River Philip, county of Cumberland.  The Intercolonial railway will have a station here.  Distant from Amherst, a station of the Intercolonial railway, 20 miles, fare $1; from Truro 40 miles, fare $3.50. Mail daily.  Population about 100.  (No familiar names)


Halfway River – A settlement on the river of that name, township of Parrsboro, county of Cumberland.  Distant from Parrsboro 5 miles, from Windsor, a station of the Nova Scotia railway, 36 miles, fare from Parrsboro to Windsor 90c.  Mail tri-weekly. Population about 130.

3 Browns

2 Harrisons

Pettigrew James, farmer

Pettigrew Jeremiah, farmer

Pettigrew Robert, farmer  (our cousins and uncles)

Spence George, farmer  (John's brother)

Spence John, farmer  (our gg/ggrandfather, William Mariner Spence's father, 2 years before his birth)

Spence Samuel, farmer (John's father)

 (You can see that in the last 3 years, George and John have become adults with their own households, old enough to be listed in the directory on their own.  They were not in the 1868 directory.  John is now 28 and George is 22)

Horton Landing – A village, the continuation of the Lower Horton settlement, on the Gaspereaux river, township of Horton, county of King’s.  Steamers run to Parrsboro, a distance of 20 miles.  It is a station of the Windsor and Annapolis railway.  Distant from Grand Pre 3 miles, from Annapolis, the terminus of the line, 60 miles.  Population about 300.  (no familiar names)

