If you want to see some beautiful intricate German script ( and official print) from the late 1800s, here's your chance. (see Wendel Pedigree Chart)

The following documents are the marriage certificate of Friederike Wilhelmine Emilie Bettin and Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Tetsch and the birth certificates of their 3 daughters born in Berlin. If you ever thought the German language isn't pretty, you're wrong. The bride's name is pronounced Freed-er-eek-a Vill-a-meen-a A-meel-ya. The groom is a pretty straightforward Yo-honn Freed-rick Vill-helm.
Yes, they have a lot of names. But they called each other Emilie and Wilhelm, as Germans generally used the last one of their forenames, and when they got to New York, that became Emily and William.
Nr. 262
Berlin, am achtund zwanzig Maerz, tausend acht hundert siebenzig und sechs. Vor dem unterzeigneten Standesbeamten erstdiensten heute zum
Oh! You wanted it in English! Oh, okay. In Berlin, on eight-and-twentieth of March, thousand eight hundred seventy-and six. Before the city office today was the marriage of
1. Labourer Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Tetsch, born the 1st January 1851 in Groß Linde, West Priegnitz, son of Marie Louise Tetsch, now married name Heidmann, of Silmersdorf.
2. Friederike Wilhelmine Emilie Bettin, seamstress, Protestant, born 24th July 1848 in Neu Trebbin, county Oberbarnim, daughter of the settler Ernst Bettin and his wife Charlotte born Sens, both residing in Neu Trebbin.

As witnesses were present:
3. The secret office-servant (geheimer Kanzlei-Diener) Carl Bettin, 30 years old, residing in Berlin, on Hachstrasse 34, (that is his street and address number)
4. The goldworker Johann Wyhlid, 21 years old, residing in Berlin, Annenstrasse 17/18.
In front of the witnesses asked the registrar of the engaged couple whether they want to marry each other. After both confirmed this question he pronounced they are from now on a legally married couple.
Read out, confirmed and signed
The registrar
Berlin, 3rd April 1877
To the signing registrar came today the by marriage-certificate identified labourer Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Tetsch, residing in Berlin, Adalbertstrasse 35a, Protestant, and reported, that by Friederike Wilhelmine Emilie Tetsch born Bettin, his wife, Protestant, residing with him, in Berlin in his residence, on the 30th March of the year 1877, before noon at 1:30 o'clock a child of female gender was born, who received the forenames Anna Emilie Bertha.
Read out, confirmed and signed
Wilhelm Tetsch
The registrar
This one was a rebel - she called herself Anna, and later married Henry Wendel in New York.
Berlin, 4th June 1879
To the signing registrar came today the by marriage-certificate identified labourer Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Tetsch, residing in Berlin, Britzer Strasse 38, Protestant, and reported that by Friederike Wilhelmine Emilie Tetsch born Bettin, his wife, Protestant, residing with him in Berlin in his residence on the 4th June of the year 1879, before noon at 7 o'clock a child of female gender was born, who received the forenames Minna Lieschen.
Read out, confirmed and signed
Wilhelm Tetsch
The registrar
Lieschen called herself Lizzie in America. Later on, she gave her official name as Elizabeth.Rixdorf, 31st January 1881
To the signing registrar came today the by marriage-certificate identified labourer Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Tetsch, residing in Rixdorf, Kottbusser Damm nr. 92, Protestant, and reported, that by Friederike Wilhelmine Emilie Tetsch born Bettin, his wife, Protestant, residing with him, in Rixdorf in his residence on the 30th January of the year 1881, before noon at 1 o'clock a child of female gender was born, who received the forenames Franziska Klara.
Read out, confirmed and signed
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Tetsch
The registrar
And Klara called herself Klara, or Clara, in America. They emigrated when Klara was 2 years old, Lieschen 4, and Anna 6.
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