Desperate times call for desperate measures......
We don't have any proof that Levi West is the father of Hannah Susan West Rushton, so we have to get creative. But will all that creativity pass the proof test? (see West Pedigree chart)
Levi and the woman who I creatively believe is his wife, Pheby Scholfield West, do have a lot of kids, and all those kids have better records than Susan does. (except Aaron, his are worse).
I started off thinking that Susan only has 2 siblings, Aaron and Harding, who are 6 and 23 years younger than she is. Very odd. Odd for a family to only have 3 kids. A 23-year spread between oldest and youngest is pretty wide, but not that unusual for the time. What is strange is if Harding is 17 years younger than the second-youngest child.
I feel better when I find Levi West living with Nathan West, who is most likely -No Proof!- his son, and their daughter Mary Jane West, who died young. Nathan and Mary Jane fill in some gaps between Susan and Aaron.
Mary Jane West, born in Pugwash, parents Levi and Phoebe
On the last day of 1866, Nathaniel G. West, 30, widower, farmer, married Eliza Fielden, 29, spinster. Both resided in Gaspereau. Nathaniel was born in Amherst and his father was Levi West, a farmer.
From our cousin Garnet Misner, I find 2 more sisters, Rebecca Elizabeth and Rachel J., who ended up in the States. (More on Garnet later)
The great thing about Boston is the great records they keep there by the clerk with the beautiful handwriting. So I find these documents. Do you think they count as proof?
Rebecca Elizabeth West McLellan, born in NS, parents Levi West born in Mass and Phebe Schofield born in NS.
Rachel J Fay, nee' West, born N. Scotia, parents Levi and Phebe born N. Scotia
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