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Showing posts from June, 2024

Grand and Glorious Tree

Sorry I haven't posted in a long time.  I've been working on a long-hoped-for project, displaying my family tree on a wall in my house.  Here it is in all its glory!  Do you think it is worth the wait? I received the tree itself for Christmas, and started working on it the next day.  It was just finished yesterday! We started by taping up all the branches to make sure they would fit.    Next we stuck the branches on and removed the backing.  It really helps to have tall people around. And it looks like a tree!    Then the post-it notes go up, to see which family will fit on which branch.  The Sulzbachs and Durrettes can go on small branches because I cannot find very many of them, but the Hollemans and Wests will need a lot.  They trace back to the original colonies, and therefore so many people have researched them, they have whole books and websites dedicated to their families. The post-it notes are too big, so they are replaced by business cards with less information. A clip