There were so many Spences living on Aberdeen Street in Springhill that everyone called it Spence's Island. Someone even put up a street sign. I knew that, but I didn't get the pun: I just recently found out - "Look! There's a real place called Spencer's Island!" Yeah, everybody knew that but me. (see Spence Pedigree Chart) Phoebe and Bill Spence's house at the end of Aberdeen Street Most of these stories are from Bessie and Connie, the oldest and the youngest. They were 17 years apart, and by the time Connie was born, Bessie had moved permanently to the States. But these are some glimpses of their life as children in their Mumma and Puppa's house. Junction Road School was a kilometer uphill from Aberdeen Street, and you had to walk it twice, in the morning, home for lunch, and back again. They didn't get a break from walking uphill on Sundays either; church was morning and afternoon. Christmas 1947 Junction Road, Easter 1...
Photos, stories, and memorabilia across generations