How much do you believe genealogy can really go back? To arrival from the Old Country? Knights of the Middle Ages? Charlemagne in 800 AD? Adam and Eve? (see West and Presbury-Mayflower Pedigree Charts) Here's a fact that gives me chills every time I mention it. My children are descended from Moses's brother Aaron on their paternal line. Yes, that Moses. DNA testing shows that they belong to paternal genetic haplogroup J-1. Kohanim, members of a special hereditary priest class of Jews that is passed down from father to son, have J-1 haplotype. (this data is constantly being refined). Kohanim believe that they are all descendants of Aaron. A DNA study of kohanim around the world, the US, Israel, Europe, South America, found that over 90% of kohanim Jews are descended from one man . That man lived 3000 years ago. Aaron. the Domesday Book Kohanim aside, genealogy is difficult if you are not of English ...
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